Thursday, May 21, 2020

What Is The Circle Of Life - 928 Words

What is the ‘Circle of Life?’ Everything we do on this earth is a part of our life, and what we do in our lives affects those around us. This connection speaks through every element of life we experience. When we say hello to a neighbour, water the grass, or even buy coffee, we are making a decision that will affect not only ourselves but those around us. It’s a weird thing to try and process, so undoubtedly many have tried to put it into words. This includes some of the top songwriters of our generation. What is the best method to describe our world? Both â€Å"The Circle of Life† and â€Å"The Wheel† attempt to articulate this fascinating process of being. The ‘Circle of Life’ from â€Å"The Lion King† is an extremely well-known song. Played at both the beginning and end of the movie/play it allows the listener to connect the song to the beginning and end of a life cycle. After some Swahili chanting, the song begins with the ide a we are all entered into a wide world with so much to see, â€Å"From the day we arrive on the planet†¦ There s more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done There s far too much to take in here.† (Tim Rice, Lines 1,3-5) This first passage, although lacking in rhyme, uses its language to create a picture of the world, and all there is to do. Although the words seem negative, the tone of the piece is almost positive in the way it presents them. It comes across as though the world is so great, there isShow MoreRelatedBeliefs within Aboriginal Spirituality and Buddhism1123 Words   |  4 Pages Religion is a set of beliefs towards life where it helps describe the truth, purpose, lessons and outlook on life and also beliefs toward a higher authority or creator depending on the beliefs. 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